Most of the Bollywood stars welcomed and celebrated Ganesh chathurthi at their homes. Salman khan, who is already known to celebrate the Ganesh chathuthi every year, also celebrated this year in his home Galaxy Apartments in Bandra. Also he stated God is only one in Galaxy. This was appreciated by many fans. But in one of his face book pages few of his Muslim fans expressed regret towards this act.
One of his fan stated on Salman’s photo posted at Ganesh pooja ,“v r not suppose to blame or underestimate any religion.. but being muslim, v shud follow and have faith in only one, that is the creator and protector, Allah..Afsos Sallu” regression of Muslim fans was in different forms for different reasons.
Surprisingly few of his Hindu fans also not happy with the act and one of them stated “Salman, You are a good human being. Salman Khan is intelligent enough to decide his course and just performing Ganapati Pooja does not make him a less Muslim.”
Also happy fans are so many, and they feel there is no harm and it is an excellent way to show to prove india is a country where all religions are respected. And people who still have hatred towards other religions should change.
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